Suparna has a green and environmental friendly philosophy from the very beginning of the establishment of this plant.
We are mindful of our responsibilities towards our nature, our planet and therefore we are acting accordingly to retain the balance.
A number of measures have been adopted to minimize the ecological damage and protect the environment.
It uses utility classes for typography and spacing to space content out within the larger container.
We aspire not only to provide customers with best quality products, but also to make certain that our planet is not harmed .
In Suparna, the protection and preservation of the environment isn't what we do after hrs, it’s the part of our everyday work.
All the waste from the manufacturing is recycled and converted into granules. These granules are then used to manufacture Mats. We recycle over 30000 kg of plastic each month.
By minimizing the heat dissipation in the extruders we reduce energy consumption. We have optimum lighting solutions to reduce the use of electricity.
We reuse the water after filtering and treating it in the manufacturing process, saving 1000’s of liters of water every day.
No paper cardboards or tree damaging carton are used in the packaging. we use reusable HDPE bags to pack final product.